Punchings Of A Closed Fist

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Give A Gift

He wanted to give her a present, his sweetie, 1000 miles away. He sealed himself up in a box, too poor to afford a plane ticket. Besides, this meant door to door delivery and free (cheap) airfare. He was packed up and delivered rather promptly, the food that he packed sustaining him just until he should be at her house.

As she accepted the package, he could hear her voice and his heart leapt into his throat. As he felt her set the box down, his heart sank as she walked out of the room. He could hear her return and stand near his shell. He waited expectantly, to see what she could be doing…surely she would open it soon…

His heart jumped and quivered as she brought the scissors down, opening the box, and penetrating the soft amalgam of flesh and bone at his temple.



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